St Patrick's R C Primary School

Learn. Grow. Shine.


St Patrick’s is a Catholic School in the trusteeship of the Diocese of Salford.  It is maintained by Lancashire County Council and is a voluntary aided school.  The Governing Board is the Admissions Authority and is responsible for taking all decisions on applications for admissions.  The co-ordination of admission arrangements is undertaken by the Local Authority.  Parents must complete a Local Authority Preference Form online via the website

If you wish to have your application considered against the school’s religious criteria then you must ALSO complete the Supplementary Form which is available below.  This form should be returned to the school with the requested documents.

School will  consider applications for every age group based on our admissions criteria.  Please refer to the admissions policy on the school website.


In-Year Admissions

It sometimes happens that a child needs to change school other than at the “normal” time; such admissions are known as non-routine or in-year admissions.  Please contact the school directly to apply for a place (Y1-6) and see the information attached to this page (below)

Right of Appeal

There is information in the documents above about the appeals process, should the Governing Board of our school be unable to offer you a place at our school.  This is to inform you that a new e-from has been created for this purpose.  The link below will direct you to the correct LCC Web Pages and to guidance on how to appeal (including other information relating to the appeal process)

Link - Appeal for a school place - Lancashire County Council