St Patrick’s Governors
Governors hold an important public office and their identity should be known to their school and wider communities.
The Governing Board of St Patrick’s consists of 2 parent governors, 1 local authority governor, 1 staff governor, 1 Headteacher and 7 foundation governors. The total number of governors outlined in the instrument of government is 12.
Date of Appointment Term of Office | Appointed by | |
Mrs Maureen Woodall
Chair of the Governing Board Foundation Governor |
21/7/2022 - 20/7/2026 | Diocese | |
Mr David Gorman
Foundation Governor |
26/09/2022 – 25/09/2026 | Diocese | |
Reverend Father Philip A Nathaniel
Parish Priest |
ex-officio | ||
Mrs Liz Hindley
Headteacher |
ex-officio | ||
Miss Rebecca A Young
Foundation Governor |
2/10/2023-01/10/2027 | Diocese | |
Mrs Rosemary Doran
Foundation Governor |
10/9/2024-09/09/2028 | Diocese | |
Mr Andrea Castoro
Foundation Governor |
08/10/2021-07/10/2025 | Diocese | |
Mrs Lauren Stevenson
Staff Governor |
17/11/2021-16/11/2025 | Staff Election | |
Mr Paul Lister Parent Governor |
8/11/2024 – 7/11/2028 | Parent Election | |
Mr Matt Lloyd
Parent Governor |
16/01/2025 – 15/01/2029 | Parent Election | |
Mr Nigel Ranson LA Governor |
25/09/2023 - 24/09/2027 | Local Authority | |
Mr. Phil Thompson
Foundation Governor |
03/04/2023 - 02/04/2027 | Diocese | |
Name of Associate Governor | Date of Appointment - Term of Office | Appointed by |
Mr Stephen De Nobrega Associate Governor |
12/11/2024 - 11/11/2028 | Governing Board |
Name of Governor | Relevant Business/Financial Interests/Other Governance | Material Interests/Relationships |
Miss Rebecca A Young | None | None |
Mr Dave Gorman | None | None |
Mrs Liz Hindley | Vice Chair of Governors at St. Cecilia’s RC High School | None |
Reverend Father Philip A Nathaniel | None | None |
Mr Paul Lister | None | None |
Mrs Rosemary Doran | None | None |
Mr Andrea Castoro | None | None |
Mrs Lauren Stevenson | None | None |
Mr Matt Lloyd | Awaiting Form | |
Mrs Maureen Woodall |
Kevin Anthony Properties Chair of Governors at Academy@ Worden |
None |
Name of Associate Governor | Relevant Business/Financial Interests/Other Governance | Material Interests/Relationships |
Mr Stephen De Nobrega | None | None |
Committee | Members |
Mr Andrea Castoro (Chair) Mrs Lauren Stevenson Mrs Liz Hindley Mrs Rosie Doran Mr Nigel Ranson |
Curriculum | Miss Rebecca Young (Chair) Mr Stephen De Nobrega (Associate Governor) Mr Dave Gorman Mrs Liz Hindley Mr Andrea Castoro Mrs Rosie Doran Mrs Lauren Stevenson Mrs Maureen Woodall Mr Nigel Ranson |
Resources | Mr Dave Gorman Mrs Liz Hindley Mrs Rosemary Doran Mr Phil Thompson Mr Andrea Castoro Mr Stephen De Nobrega (Chair and Associate Governor) Mrs Claire Scanlan (School Business Manager – Observer) |
Pay Committee | Mrs Rosemary Doran, TBA, Mr. Stephen De Nobrega |
Headteacher Appraisal Committee | Mrs Maureen Woodall (Chair), Miss Rebecca A Young, Mr. Dave Gorman and Mrs Sarah Sadler (School Adviser) |
Name of Governor | Committee / Links |
Miss Rebecca A Young | Curriculum, HT Appraisal, RE Link |
Mr Dave Gorman | Curriculum, Resources, HT Appraisal, Training Link |
Mrs Maureen Woodall | Curriculum, HT Appraisal, SEND, Safeguarding Governor |
Mrs Liz Hindley | Curriculum, Resources, SEC |
Reverend Father Philip A Nathaniel | Parish Priest |
Mrs Rosemary Doran | SEC, Resources, Curriculum, Pay Committee, Wellbeing |
Mr Andrea Castoro | Curriculum, Resources, SEC, Pupil Premium and PE and Sports Grant Link |
Mrs Lauren Stevenson | Curriculum, SEC |
Mr Matt Lloyd | |
Mr Nigel Ranson | Curriculum, SEC, EYFS Governor |
Mr Phil Thomson |
Resources |
Name of Associate Governor | Committee / Links |
Mr Stephen De Nobrega | Curriculum, Resources, Pay Committee, Website, Health and Safety, Equalities |
Every school has a governing board; the purpose and roles of governing boards are to help schools provide the best possible education for their pupils by:
- Setting the school’s values, vision and strategic aims, agreeing plans and policies and making creative use of resources.
- Monitoring and evaluating performance and providing support and challenge to the headteacher in managing the school,
- Ensuring that the school is accountable to: the children and parents it serves, its local community, those who fund and maintain it, as well as to the staff it employs.
Types of Governors
There are different types of governors; all governors have equal status; this is to ensure that the governing board of a school reflects a wide range of groups from the community. The different categories of governors are:
Parent Governors : are self nominated and in the case of more than one applicant, are voted for by parents.
Staff Governors : include the Head teacher, teaching and non-teaching staff. With the exception of the Head teacher, staff governors are elected by the staff of the school.
Local Authority Governors : nominated by the local authority that maintains the school, they keep in touch with the Local Authority who nominated them
Foundation Governors : are appointed by the Bishop and Trustees of the Diocese they may be nominated by the Parish Priest. Foundation governors have an important role which is to uphold the Catholic ethos of the school and are always in the majority in a Catholic school.
Associate Governors : The governing body can appoint associate members to serve on one or more of its committees. The definition of associate member is wide. Please see this document regarding this post
St. Patrick’s governing board is made up of a wide range of people from varying backgrounds and professions. Each Governor has different roles and may sit on more than one subcommittee. The full Governing board meets every term and relies on the various sub committees to advise their decisions. Our sub committees include: Resources, Standards and Effectiveness, Curriculum, Pay, Staff Grievance, Pay Appeals, Complaints Review, Admissions, Pupil Discipline, Staff Attendance Discipline and Dismissal, and Headteacher Appraisal.
Diversity Statement
“The Governors of St Patrick's RC Primary School believe it is important that Governing Boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse Boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people. The Governors have collected data on the diversity of the board. They will review this data periodically and use it to inform their recruitment and training needs, ensuring there is a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making. At the present time, we do not publish this diversity data online, as individual Governors could be identified, and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.”
Please refer to the attached documents for additional information about the composition of the committees, terms of reference, code of conduct and instrument of government.